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This is my poetry. I might add some of my friends but most of it will be mine.

" Star light, star bright, i wish upon a star tonight. that I wish i maybe holded you in my arms so tight." ~Georgianna~
~Broken Heart~
Sometimes lifethroughs you curves,
But the worst is a broken heart.
When you find someone you think you love,
But it ends when you split up.
Your life feels like it's almost to the end,
But Soon you'll know life goes on and a new one will begin.
Every new love is like another life,
BVut some how you get hurt and it cuts like a knife,
A deep, deep cut you know will leave a scar.
Oh don't forget his wonderful car.
The time you spent, the love you lost, the wonderful way you watched dew turn into frost.
Now it's over, all in the past,
But you know one day you'll stop and ask,
Was it worth the pain and the heart break?
And you think to yourself this wasn't a mistake.
Because next time you'll know to think and be smart,
and don't let some guy leave you with a broken heart.
            ~Georgianna Lee Pace~

"When it rains in pours"

~oh no you didn't...crazy ass~