Pinkie's lovely dream site


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This page decribes me...woot.


This is me and Andy...this pic makes me feel so loved by him.

I'm Georgianna Pace. I'm 19 years old. My birthday is Sept. 19th, 1985. I was born in Knoxville, Tn. I have lived in the same house my whole life. I live in Harrogate, Tn with my mom, June. My dad,George, moved out almost 2 years ago when my they got divorced. It was one of the hardest times in my life. Until August 2004.  Ok alittle bit about me. I'm 5'5 brown hair and brown eyes. my hair in  alittle pasted my shoulders. I'm a Student at Walters State Community College. My major is Theatre. I have alot of best friends so i can't just mention one. Well that is about it for me...catch ya later.

I used to go to Cumberland Gap High School and Powell Valley High School before then.

Never get me up early.


This is me when i was like 3 hours old. I look indian in this pic. I will try to get better one of me when i was 2.

Me wow a pic of me!!!

This is me early one morning.




Things i like: Guys, photos, hoodies(especially andy's), coffee, cappucino, pink, singing, theatre, little things, hearts, dogs, animals, Dolphins, God, my friends, weird things, cookies, people(sometimes), chicken, CSI, Fairly Odd Parents, Bam and don vito, hearts, kisses and hugs, music, beaches(but i've never been to one), Candles, Moonlight Path everything, Strawberries, Victoria's secret lotions, Shopping, my crazy freinds(I <3 U), UT Football, Football, pictures, love, movies, my mommy and my daddy, all my pets, my whole family even if they piss me off, Ireland, New Zealand, my house, chocolate, flip flops, toe socks, stars, Casper, lip gloss, babies, roses(pink ones the best if anyone wants to give me one but i'm sure you don't), playing pool, bands, cute stuff, bubbles, sparklely stuff, tattoos, piercings, taking long walks, hanging out with people, dancing, rain, alcohol, gel pens, grapes, books, trampolines, duckies, pillows, moon, night sky, guitar picks, shakespeare, tiki huts, indians, Care bears, Bedtime bear, clouds, dreaming, reading about sex, CSI, Paint, Elvis, Fake nails, NOT COLLEGE, Orange County Choppers, Paul Jr., Nissan Xterra, Anything pink, most books, Knoxville, clubs, money, glitter, Ryan Dunn, Ditry Dancing,Ryan Gosling, popcorn, ice cream, anything glow in the dark or uv glow, Hi5, going places, big houses, big tubs, tv, mp3 players, tongue rings, almost everything!!!! oh and Angels, and I love God.



~One love...~

~oh no you didn't...crazy ass~