Laura and Dan aren't they cute together?

Laura and Megan

The 2004 Cumberland Gap H.S. Prom Queen and King....Me and Ryan

This is my good friend, Vanessa, She is the
one in the middle. And those to girls are her friends at college. She goes to King College in Bristol.

Vonda...she is so pretty and wonderful.

Claire explains stuff to Jerm and Jason

This is Jr., Claire, me, and Laura at LMU before prom. I think this picture is
so pretty of all of us. We all looked so good that night. This years will never be the same.

This is my friend from drama and the bus, Justin Middleton. He is a wonderful person
to be around.

Beautiful Sarah...

Claire and Sarah...i just like this pic...

Travo on claire's pretty bed.

Jeremy in drag...who knew he would make a pretty girl.

me and dustin in front of claire's fireplace...in
black and white

A Beautiful Picture of Claire...she is so beautiful...

Allen...he's a rock star...